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Schwarzenegger calls for SSI cutbacks

An article in the Feb. 5 issue of Sacramento Business Journal, "State ponders budget cuts for low-income seniors, disabled," tells us that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is proposing cutbacks in Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) that "help low-income seniors and people with disabilities meet basic living expenses."

The cutbacks and other reductions that Schwarzenegger seeks in SSI would impact many people in the Sacramento homeless community.

Quoting the SBJ article,

The governor has proposed cutting the grants to the minimum level required by federal law, starting May 1, and to suspend the June 2010 state cost-of-living adjustment. Together, they would eliminate $1.34 billion in grant payments [statewide].

The Central Valley Business Times breaks down statewide figures to give us this information with respect to Sacramento county: Here, 63,590 people will be impacted by a total amount of $78,728,000. That is an average $1258/person reduction in benefits during the 14-month period of May 2009 through June 2010.

The State is now earnestly, though unproductively, working on reducing expense-revenue gaps for the current budget year [which ends on June 30, 2009] and the upcoming budget year [which goes from Jul 1, 2009 to Jun 30, 2010].


Anonymous said…
In California, a foreign person age 65 can waltz into any Social Security Administration Office, pull a tab, sit there, go up to the 'Intake' worker, and that very day they will be 'cut' an SSI & SSP check for $907 per Individual or $1,569 per couple, TAX FREE.
They will be given FREE HUD-Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers as well, and the ability to use the 'Mobility' within HUD-Section 8 to move for FREE to ANY community that has a HUD-Section 8 housing open.

This is because of Illegal's, PRUCOL & CAPI, just to name two of the many, many Programs for Illegals to collect FREE checks, never having to work a single day in their entire lives, in the U.S.

So, it's absolutely true.

And, SSI recieves a Federal Congressional C.O.L.A., each and every year. SSI comes from the Fed., General Fund.

SSI is NOT Social Security at all!
The SSI does not ever have had to work a single day in their entire lives.

Where, Social Security Retirement over age 65 does pay taxes as well as SSDI, Social Security Disability Income pays taxes.
Also, MediCARE pays Premiums, Co-Pays, Medicine Deductables, and SSI's Get FREE-MediCAL and/or MediCAID, with ZERO Deductables, ZERO Premiums, no co-pays, ZERO for ALL EMS rides to the Hospital even in Helicopters, if they cannot get 'out of their chair' the EMS MUST come and help them get up out of their 'chair' so they can get 'sumpin' ta' eat'!

SSP comes from California. It comes from the State of California, General Fund.

Almost ALL other States, give EBT-Dignity Food Stamp Debit Cash Cards, AKA., Food Stamps Instead of the SSP extra CASH.

This is why California is Broke.
Because they give the Highest amount to SSI's in the Nation.

They need to 'Cut' the SSP and give these people MORE Food Stamps in lieu of the Cash.

They only use the Cash for movie theaters, restaurants, METH, Alcohol, Dive Bar Tabs, Casinos, Vacation Boat Cruises, whatever they want.

Because, the Fact's are that the Majority of SSI's Own their Homes Free & Clear, Paid For!
That's right!

They get 95% of their Property Tax payments, Reimbursed back to them in October each year, at the end of the Fiscal year too.
If they do Rent-they get back 95% of their Rent money given back to them, if they have Trailer Space Rent, they get 95% of that given back to them.
They will get an EXTRA SSI portion of their check given BACK to them on April 1st of this year, plus their Rental, Prop tax and/or Space Rental given BACK to them, April 1st also.

SSI is the ONLY 'Entitlement' in the 'Stimulus' to recieve this EXTRA check, none other, not even Social Security Retirees, that pay Taxes on their checks will recieve the EXTRA check on the 1st of April, 2009, ONLY the SSI's.

This is what's wrong with California.
SSI giving the EXTRA SSP part of their check, along with generous Grant & Loan Programs from HUD-Section 8 Homeownership Incentives and now with the New 'Stimulus' USDA Rural Direct & USDA Rural Guaranteed Grants & Loan Incentive Programs is 'LURING' these people to 'MIGRATE' to California to 'Milk the System day'.

And, when Obama 'Legalizes' up to I don't know how many Illegals that are here now, and they will also be legally allowed to 'bring in' their Immedate Family Members, they KNOW full well about SSI & SSP, oh yes they do!
They will FLOOD to the SSA Offices to Apply & Qualify for SSI & SSP.
Many will get very THICK stacks of Checks from SSI & SSP per 'household'.

Many with PRUCOL & CAPI already DO recieve super-thick stacks of SSI & SSP checks every 1st of the Month.

ALL their 'Household' members go to college completely FREE with the Maximum from FafsaPELL GRANT & CalGRANT given to them. That's why you see a 19 year old illegal's child going to Community College and driving a Brand Spankin' New Real Nice Car! It's from the Proceeds of their GRANT college money. PELL plus CalGRANT equals up to around $15,000 per year! It does not cost much to go to a Community Collegs hence, Windfall Checks enough to buy a House on great LOW INCOME GRANT's n' Loans Programs for Low Incomes ONLY, and/or a New Car!

If this SSI & SSP does not 'slack down' or 'slack off' it's going to CRASH the entire Monetary system.

'Entitlement' Programs for people that never worked a single day in their lives, or not nearly enough to qualify for SSDI WAS meant for extremely poor elderly or very severaly disabled adults and children.
It has become the 3rd Largest 'Milking Machine' in the Nation with California leading the way.
It will climb so high with legalization of the illegals that will DEFINATELY get straight onto SSI & SSP what will all those checks per household, it will Collapse Everything.

They pay ZERO taxes on SSI & SSP, not like SS or SSDI that pays Taxes.

Obama is WRONG to tax the Social Security, SSDI's and MediCARES harder, while Lavishing more and higher benefits upon these Non-Contributing Lumps of Lard.

SSI/SSP pays Tweakers to Tweek.
SSI/SSP pays Obese to eat into Morbid Obesity.
It encourages people NOT TO WANT TO WORK, because it pays so very well to just sit there and collect Free-Tax Free CASH and many other benefits.

You cannot keep Draining the System day, expecting less than One Half of the US to pay for all these Bloated Entitlements, it will NOT work.

Many people are talking about 'Early Out' Retirements, Retirement because they are reaching 62, and they are 'throwing in the towel' to EXIT paying high taxes only to live Less than the SSI/SSP does.

Why should they continue to work when their SSI/SSP neighbor lives in a paid for home of Any Size or Any Value Whatsoever.
My neighbor owns a home free & clear, paid for worth $450,000 on over 25 acres of land here in California. He's NEVER worked a day in his life. He's "depressed" because he's a cronic alcoholic.
Yet he gets #1,569 for himself and his morbidly obese wife, and their one child gets a under-age-18 check from SSI/SSP, along with the wife getting an extra check from IHSS per month.

So, they get 4 checks per month totalling $2,620 per month.

That's alot of Tax Free money.

This is Legal within the Guidelines too.

There's No Oversight and No Regulation if there's so much Fraud, Misuse and Waste within this SSI & SSP system.

Just like Selling Homes to Illegals with ITIN numbers & Welfare checks as INCOME, brought us to our knees, this SSI & SSP will do exatly the same.
Watch what happens only a short time right after the 'Shamnesty' happens.
Obama WILL pass an Immigration Bill, allowing these people to stay here, don't think for a second he won't.
He Will.

Then drive-by ANY SS Office and SEE the long, long lines wrapping around the blocks with Newly Legalized Illegals, getting set to Apply/Qualify and Collect-> SSI & SSP!
Unknown said…
Anon 2,

If what you write is anywhere near true -- and I think it is -- then it is a scandal and a mystery how things ever got this way.

In Homeless World Sacramento, this money -- called "happy checks" -- is utilized for motel rooms, drugs and alcohol.

In the early part of a month, beds in the shelters become plentiful because the "happy check" people are out partying.

All this very much does not seem like a wise use of government money.
Anonymous said…
I sure wish I was as smart as Anonymous #2 is. I have an adult grandson who must live with me because he can not care for himself and I wish he could get all the money and houses and programs that this man is refering to. We are not illegle or foreign at all. I was born and bred right here is sac. and my family history is from the midwest. We are just good ol americans. We get no section 8. We rent our home. No mortgage, no ownership. We do not get 1% of our rent back, let alone 95%. We get no grant or loan monies given to us. We barely survive for rent and groceries. This man can not work and I am his grandmother, and unable to work so that I can care for him. You want to take what little we have from us and then what will you do with this disabled man? Kick him to the curb as homeless because he is disabled? Shame on you!! Yes I agree that illegals should not receive benefits, but do not punish all of us for the sake of some.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your story, Anon 3.

If only there was wisdom to sort everything out. It really ought to be possible to give the right amount of money to those who are deserving. And for those, who, for whatever reason, are not deserving, it ought to be possible to find them the right jobs, or a good place to live so that they can be happy enough.

Certainly, it is appropriate to help people who have suffered a calamity, or are broken, whatever the cause. It ought to be possible to help them in just the right way. I'm for that! The devil, though, is in the details.
Anonymous said…
This cut back will allow me to choose between Food OR Medication next month.

I am unable to find MD to accept Medical in our area & cant afford transportation to another. I am ill and disabled.
Maybe if I choose meds and take all at once it will free up some of those - more precious than people $$$. Please add my stipend to the kitty next month, hope it helps with your jet fuel and servants.

Forget me. I’m over 50.
There is more. My 29 year old UCLA honors student who has more awards than most will see in a lifetime – who has been ill 3 years. She had hopes and dreams of making the world a better place when she was 27. Now unable to get medical assistance or food, will she die of leukemia? Don’t know, cant get medical attention. She could have been a blessing to so many. Always a hard worker – full time student + constantly with one or two jobs… . Now cant get out of bed more than 3 hours day. She has given up on her dreams due to “the systems”. Inadequate Medical and monetary assistance.
Social worker told her, God as my witness, that - she needed to “get pregnant or to loose her car” in order to get any help. That General Relief assistance was for “people who just got out of jail”
Where ARE our priorities?

As for me - Back to bed - that is until they take that away too.
Good job!
Proud to be an American?.
Born Here been There once – However…
To the Humanitarian power – that we somehow show distain,
Is it due to spew of the of the now dis-empowered medias propaganda ?
Great Job France!!! World Court salutes the care you give your truly needy people
And Great Britain – Superior Education – interesting concept
Even Rome had a plan.
Anonymous said…
My rent is $450 a month. That is insanely low in CA. Of course, we live in a shack.
My medication is $400.
Gasoline to get to an MD? Who can afford a vehicle anyway.
Food, guess that’s not a necessity.
Utilities? Who needs light or hot water.
Don’t get me wrong, food stamps are not a bad idea.
Why not concentrate on welfare fraud so those who are needy can get help

"They only use the Cash for movie theaters, restaurants, METH, Alcohol, Dive Bar Tabs, Casinos, Vacation Boat Cruises, whatever they want.

Because, the Fact's are that the Majority of SSI's Own their Homes Free & Clear, Paid For!
That's right!
Anonymous said…
REMEMBER, I said, that Person's that are SEVERLY Disabled, as an Adult or Child, Elderly that are very poor with hardly ANY Resources D-E-S-E-R-V-E the SSI & SSP checks!
And, I added, that the Seniors on Social Security, MediCARE & SSDI disabled workers deserve this kind of HELP---ABSOLUTE!
You, brought up your son.
I wrote NOT against, person's like him at all!
Did you READ my post?
Do NOT deny there are hundreds of persons on SSI & SSP, on the 1st of Each Month, that are Drunk by mid-day, or TWEEKING all over town, higher than a kite could ever soar!
There are EVERYWHERE..Misusing, Abusing and Completely Frauding the SSI & SSP, system, that it was created for.
If the IDOIT Social Security Administration and the Obama Administration would get off their 'Jag' of wanting to Pick On the Elderly on Social Security and MediCARE, wanting to TAX THEM MORE, or CUT their Benefits MORE, and LOOK at the people Abusing these checks, this problem is Solvable, but this will probably NOT happen.
Instead, person's like your son, that are is terrible NEED of SSI & SSP, will instead go FLAT BROKE because of Illegals, that WILL be legalized via the DREAM Act.
Sure, that's only 14 Million thru the DREAM Act.
Yet, the Balance of the 40 Million that Heritage Foundation Org., so generously PROVES there are here already, WILL also become Eligable turn, 'Chain Migration'.
Their newly LEGALIZED family members or friends will simply use the loophole of 'Sponsorship' to get them onto SSI & SSP.
And just as simple will the the CRASHING sound of the U.S.Treasury!
Read this:
Also, read this:
Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America
Ayn Rand's--Atlas Shrugged.
You will SEE that things are already getting ready to come true.
Get ready to have NO MORE CHECKS, or WORTHLESS CHECKS, that will NOT be Cashable!
It's coming...Too many NOT WORKING and NOT PAYING TAXES, equals IMPLOSION of the 'Entitlements'.
syl said…
Nobody walks into a SS office and walks out with a check. It takes a year or more to get SSI and, with rare exceptions, it is necessary to hire an attorney to get it. Illegals CANNOT get SSI. Section 8 pays a portion of rent and there is a huge waiting list to get section 8. I know people who have been on the waiting list for years.It is nonsense that there are "many, many" programs for illegals to collect free checks.
The nonsense about SSI people owning their own homes and having to make no payments and not have to pay property taxes and getting 95% of their rent back and a big check on April 1 is baloney. In fact when Bush issued so-called stimulous money people on SSI were not eligible for it.
In short, it's sad to see an angry, uninformed rant like that. People, do your own research.
matts1967 said…
I usually do not leave comments but after reading the blogs i had to give my cents worth.
I agree there are people milking the system its sad, then theres the ones that do need the help.
california needs to follow nyc if u are able to work give them work simple as that.
every six months they do a follow up hello that's the window to find out whats up with that individual.
here is what i found out about california, there are sweat shops here believe it or not,. u get your ssi check and work under the table for the rest. SWEET lets all collect welfare.,
Vote for me i fix this country
Tracey said…
I only found out this past year I could ask for some of my trailer space rent money back. I am on SSDI and SSI. I am disabled after working all my life. For your information,I got a letter , instead of money, telling me that I do indeed qualify to get that portion of space rent back, but that they "are out of money" so I won't be receiving it.
Just thought the poster who said that would love knowing this.

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