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EDAR: Everyone Deserves A Roof

EDAR, which stands for "Everyone Deserves A Roof", is a one-person shelter. EDAR units are both flame retardant and waterproof, and can be locked.
EDAR, a military-grade tent on a platform, developed in response to a contest Revenge of the Nerds-producer Peter Samuelson sponsored, acts as low-cost shelter for a person without a home.

Units, which cost a wee bit under $500, are flame retardant, waterproof and can be locked.

EDAR is a four-wheeled device that resembles and acts as a shopping cart. During the day, when folded up, it’s a covered storage cart for possessions.

Sacramento Homeless blog obtained this information from a post today in metal_floss blog, "Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix."

According to the metal-floss post, written by Miss Cellania, "Homeless shelters have ordered multiple units to use inside or to give to those who are 'shelter-resistant.' People who have them say they are quite comfortable, and make a hard life somewhat easier to deal with."

Eric Lindeman and Jason Zasa are the fellows who won Samuelson's contest. Their final design was tested and tweaked by a shopping cart manufacturer before units went into production by EDAR, Inc., a charity operating in Los Angeles. [The company masthead appears below.]


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